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Agroforestry in the heart of Amazonia

São Raimundo do Mutuca is a community where 15 farming families live while preserving 100 hectares of native forest with their economy and lifestyle in harmony with nature.

The place is a reference in agroforestry and beekeeping. Mutuca receives other riverine and indigenous communities that, in this space, receive training of all kinds related to Agroforestry. The Community is fundraising to purchase their land and guarantee the permanence of their territory, constantly threatened by agribusiness.

Traditional Amazonian peoples have been constantly threatened and murdered. A network of communities was formed to help the region of Maués, starting with the project Guaraná Alliance of Maués, which began to offer training to groups interested in receiving seedlings and agro-ecological information.

Mutuca is one of those that today, a few years later, already reap results with the non-burning agriculture, creation of quelônios (turtles), no-sting native bees, horticulture, guaraná, among other crops. What they harvest guarantees their autonomy.

Visit their Crowdfunding to support the purchase of the land and spread the message of Mutuca!

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