With over 10 years’ experience, Daniele specialises in socioeconomic research on food and nutrition security, focusing on developing and validating public policies. As an activist and coordinator, her work spans hunger relief, urban agroecology, sustainable and family farming, and poverty eradication. She is currently completing a PhD on dietary patterns in schoolchildren, analysing how socioeconomic factors influence healthy eating habits.
Daniele is Operations Coordinator at Frente Alimenta, an initiative to combat hunger while supporting small agroecological farmers by directly connecting community gardens and kitchens.
Daniele is one of our Aura Fellows, having completed our holistic nine-module programme designed to nurture and empower female leaders. In this Aura Spotlight interview, we delve into her experience.
How has Aura transformed your relationship with yourself?
During my time with Aura, I feel I have become a more sensitive person. I have learnt to look at my surroundings more tenderly; I used to be a bit colder than I am today. For example, I used to look at a glue-stick, and just think: this is a red glue-stick. Now, I look at it and wonder, how long did it take for someone to make this? How much effort and care went into this object? Through Aura circles, I’ve become more observant of these small details in the everyday. I’ve started to humanise everything more, while becoming more empathetic to others.
I also see myself as someone who is much more present today — I am able to be here fully and to live more deeply in the now.
Could you share one experience from Aura that felt particularly transformative?
Two moments stand out as particularly powerful for me. The first was during an Aura circle where we discussed patriarchy and matriarchy.
It completely opened my mind and turned my previous understanding upside down. In college, I’d learned to view everything as opposites, which often left me feeling uncomfortable.
But in that circle, I realised that matriarchy isn’t simply the opposite of patriarchy — the spaces between them aren’t so clearly defined. I remember thinking, “Oh, wow!” Up until then, my knowledge was shaped by a very different reality, so this was truly mind-blowing.
The second transformative moment was during our class with Amanda Caroline, from Yoni das Pretas, who I adore. She spoke about our shadows and our light and how we relate to these two sides of ourselves in daily life. She shared how, as women, we shouldn’t only show our light: we must also protect it.
What does feminine wisdom mean to you?
Feminine wisdom means seeing beyond the surface and perceiving what isn’t immediately visible.
When I was able to open this so-called “third eye”, it unlocked an awareness of hidden structures I had never seen before. Now, I can clearly see these barriers that society tries to obscure from us. Once I can see them, I can overcome them.
Now, I feel capable of envisioning complementary actions for creating change.
This insight comes with both advantages and challenges. Once you begin seeing these hidden things, you can’t unsee them. I can’t just pretend that nothing’s happening.
For instance, I work with Flavia in the outskirts of São Paulo, where people live in extreme poverty and women suffer daily violence — both from state powers and from their own communities and partners. These women are embedded in a deeply violent environment. When we sit in a circle together, I see things more clearly through this feminine lens, and I empathise deeply with what they’re sharing. But I also see that I cannot resolve these issues quickly.
The violence is so ingrained in their surroundings and in their bodies. We must take a slower, deeper approach to address the roots.
On the other hand, it's so beautiful when we start forming these communities of women who realise that they can do things differently. It’s magical.
One piece of advice you would give to another woman starting her Aura journey?
Don't think too much about it, just accept the invitation — and you’ll amaze yourself. Go with an open heart, because you’ll discover someone new within yourself when you cross over this bridge.