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We gather around food and why

Updated: Apr 25, 2024

This is Be The Earth's Food Manifesto. Food influences every area of everyone's everyday's life. From individuals to the biggest countries, from small choices to global policies, from one's health to planetary wellbeing as a whole: food can unlock change.

  • We love all life and want to see it flourish as passionate members of this sensational, interconnected and interdependent family called planet earth.

  • We strongly believe that all beings have a natural right to be nurtured and sustained.

  • We are aware of the unprecedented crisis we face and the significant and complex challenges we need to overcome as a species.

  • We recognise that as humans within the Anthropocene we are the ones who created most of the problems we face today, but are also very much equipped to propose solutions.

  • We choose to focus on humanity's endless capacity to love and create abundance rather than its ability to destroy and promote scarcity.

  • We acknowledge that transitioning from an exploitative to a regenerative paradigm is this generation's responsibility to the next, and we humbly take our part in this global mission.

  • We regret that the way we produce our own fuel for life is also responsible for the destruction of our home and we want to be a part of the solution rather than the problem.

  • We defend that creating, protecting and restoring local and regenerative food systems is a meaningful (and probably the best) strategy for both adaptation and mitigation of the current crisis. ​

  • We know that the way we grow, transport, market, consume and waste food needs to radically change, from households to businesses, to public levels - we need a system change.

  • We are guided by the principles of agroecology and the ethos of bio and cultural diversity.

  • We believe that food is a pathway to reconnect humankind to nature, a separation that shouldn't have taken place.

  • We acknowledge the multidimensional aspects of food: health for the body, the mind and the soul, transmitter of culture and knowledge, regenerator of soil, fertilizer of peace and justice for land and communities. ​

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Registered Charity Number: 1189626

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